I want to be so generous!
I want to love people
with my money,
with my time,
and friendship.
— Krista Roth, 2020 Journal

Help us carry on Krista’s legacy of generosity, helping others and saving our planet!

A childhood dream to save the rainforest.

Krista & Kassidy went door to door collecting change after learning about the challenge facing the world’s rainforests. Learn more …

Because of this we invest in rainforest restoration.

A passion to help solve the world’s water crisis.

One of Krista’s life’s goals, as stated in her journals, was to help solve the world’s water crisis. She used her time, talents and money to do that in her years on earth. Learn more …

Because of this we invest in water projects

Krista’s years at University of Illinois were preparing her to achieve her admirable goals. With enough credits completed, she was awarded a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering posthumously. In addition to her academic pursuits, she was a member of and leader in the Marching Illini. Learn more …

An education to help achieve her dreams.

Because of this we invest in STEM & Music Education

“Here’s my plan … do my best to make as many people’s days better as possible … Be the most generous person possible. And I’ll try my best now even though money is tighter.”

— Krista Roth, from her 2020 journal

Will you help us in following Krista’s example of generosity?

Sign up to be the first to know about our events. and to find out how Krista’s friends and family are carrying on her legacy.